“Never be daunted. Secret of my success. Never been daunted. Never been daunted in public.” Bill to Jake in The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway I’m writing this sitting in the same chair in which I’ve been sitting for a year. You may be reading this in the same chair in which you’ve been sitting…
Author: Peter Loge
Political turmoil returns to Middle Falls.
Over the years, the town of Middle Falls has faced debates about bike sharing, a trolly, converting a church into a hotel, and more. Through it all the town has remained the same. After several years of relative calm, political turmoil returns to Middle Falls. Modern Political Communication and RhetoricSpring 2021Final Exam After four years…
A note to my students before the spring 2021 semester
This is going to be an odd semester. Once again we will be online – together apart for a few hours a week. Even those of you living in the dorms will only sort of be “at” GW while we are all sitting at kitchen tables, on sofas, or in childhood bedrooms you thought you’d…
A Call to Return to the Study and Teaching of Ethics in Political Communication
Also posted on Medium. On November 1 I was honored to speak at a University of Connecticut POLS Colloquium. Below are my remarks, as written. As delivered they included a pretty good Columbo impersonation and a few other asides, but this is pretty close to what I said. Thank you for inviting me to join you today for what…
Our Comments About Senator McCain Are at Least as Much About Ourselves
Also posted on Medium. It is easy to honor the dead. We can pick moments from long and complicated lives of others to paint a complete picture of what we hope our lives will be remembered for having been. A eulogy is, of course, about the person being eulogized. It is also about the moment…
Successful Strategic Communication: An Admonition and Five Steps.
Every strategic communications professional has her or his own favorite model for doing strategic communications. There are toolkits, charts, workbooks, boxes, and more. Most of them mostly say the same thing, and all of them owe a debt to Aristotle’s Rhetoric. In this regard, I am no different from my strategic communication professional colleagues. From my perspective, successful strategic communication…
Remarks on the State of Clear Writing
I was honored to give the keynote speech at the 2018 ClearMark Awards dinner, an event sponsored by the Center for Plain Language honoring clear writing. Below are my remarks as written (and more or less mostly as given). Thank you for inviting me to join you at this important event, and congratulations to tonight’s honorees. Apropos of the…
Two Lessons for Organizations and Young Staff from Two Young Players
Steven Goff’s recent piece on DC United’s young leaders offers two lessons for young staff and all organizations: Anyone can lead, and everyone leads in their own way. “We’ve got a lot of guys who will lead.” — DC United head coach Ben Olsen Anyone can lead. Leadership is about who you are and what you do — it’s not about your title…
Three Lessons and Caution for Managers from Michael Eisner’s Purchase of Portsmouth FC
The New York Times’ Rory Smith recently wrote about former Walt Disney Company CEO Michael Eisner’s purchase of Portsmouth FC, a storied English soccer team that recently “flirted with oblivion.” Smith’s piece offers three lessons and one caution for managers and organizations beyond soccer. Portsmouth Football Club, also called Pompey, was founded in 1898. Over its 120-year history the team…
A Noisy US Soccer Presidential Campaign is Going as Predicted
The election for President of the US Soccer Federation is in about three weeks, making this a good time to check in on the race to lead the governing body of soccer in America. A quick review for those whose interest in politics runs more to Michael Wolffthan Josh Wolff: Soccer in the US is overseen by the US…