Pharrell Williams is more than a pop musician under an oversized hat. He’s the head of a thriving creative, philanthropic and profitable company “i am Other.” He has his hands in everything from music to fashion, to internet ventures like Kickstarter. With that kind of success you’d expect a big ego to fit the big…
Author: Peter Loge
Facts Are Stupid Things
SUGGESTED READING: The Science of Why We Don’t Believe Science – by Chris Mooney This is one of my favorite topics – facts are stupid things. The author opens with Festinger’s study of a group that (incorrectly) predicted the end of the world, and how the unfortunate fate of living increased, rather than decreased, their…
I like To Wax (and rant)…
When I ran a political and communications consulting firm I was told to blog because it would help define my brand. I was advised to pick topics that demonstrated how I approach political and communications problems, and include links to people and organizations I wanted to work for. Last fall I closed my firm and…
My Blog is Dead. Long Live My Blog!
This new version of my website begins with the launch of my new Blog. — And in no way does that mean I’m making any promises about how frequently I’ll update it. But here, at the beginning, it seems as good a time as any to acknowledge I have had two previous blogs. They are…
New Site Under Construction
Welcome to what will soon be my new website. It is ‘under construction’ at the moment, but you get the idea… Your patience while we work out the details is appreciated.